Though this is a simple first, the tailwind documentation seems to be a roundabout way of doing this. so thought I can share what may be a simple step to start using tailwind, especially for beginners. No frills to waste our time adding Tailwind CSS to React!
Most of us prefer typescript as we want to ensure type-checking alongside coding. The below command creates a react project in the folder ‘my-tailwind-app’
npx create-react-app my-tailwind-app --template typescript
npm create vite@latest
for using vite and follow the steps
change the directory by using the ‘cd my-tailwind-app’ folder
Install tailwind using the command prompt in the same my-tailwind-app folder.
npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
Run the command to initialize tailwind inside the project
npx tailwindcss init -p
Open VSCode or any other editor and add content to use “./src/**/*.{js,jsx, ts,tsx}” in tailwind.config.js as below
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
Run using ‘npm start’ for the project created with create-react-app or ‘npm run dev’ for the project created with vite and view the results on the browser.
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