Categories: Technology

Flutter 3.10: The Future of Cross-Platform Development

Flutter 3.10 Released with Impeller, Web Performance Improvements, and More

Google released Flutter 3.10 on May 10, 2023, with a number of new features and improvements. The biggest update is the addition of Impeller, a new rendering engine that is designed to improve performance and graphics quality. Impeller is now enabled by default on iOS, and it will be coming to Android in a future release.

Other notable updates in Flutter 3.10 include:

  • Improved web performance, with a 42% reduction in load times.
  • Support for Dart on WebAssembly, which could lead to even faster Flutter apps in the future.
  • A number of new widgets and features for building web apps.

Flutter 3.10 is a major release that brings a number of new features and improvements to the framework. If you are a Flutter developer, I encourage you to upgrade to Flutter 3.10 and start taking advantage of the new features.

Here are some additional details about the new features in Flutter 3.10:


Impeller is a new rendering engine that is designed to improve performance and graphics quality in Flutter apps. Impeller is based on the Skia graphics library, and it uses a number of new techniques to improve performance, such as batching and deferred rendering.

Impeller is now enabled by default on iOS, and it will be coming to Android in a future release. If you are using Flutter 3.10 on iOS, you will see a significant improvement in performance and graphics quality in your apps.

Web Performance Improvements

Flutter 3.10 also includes a number of improvements to web performance. These improvements include:

  • A 42% reduction in load times.
  • Improved support for mobile browsers.
  • A new web inspector that makes it easier to debug web apps.

If you are developing a Flutter web app, you will see a significant improvement in performance and usability with Flutter 3.10.

Dart on WebAssembly

Flutter 3.10 also includes support for Dart on WebAssembly. WebAssembly is a new technology that allows web browsers to run code that is written in compiled languages, such as Dart.

Support for Dart on WebAssembly is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to make Flutter apps even more efficient and performant. In the future, Flutter apps could be compiled to WebAssembly and run directly in web browsers, without the need for a JavaScript wrapper.

New Widgets and Features for Web Apps

Flutter 3.10 also includes a number of new widgets and features for web apps. These include:

  • A new web-specific Scaffold widget.
  • A new web-specific AppBar widget.
  • Support for web-specific input elements, such as the date picker and time picker.

These new widgets and features make it easier to build beautiful and responsive web apps with Flutter.

Flutter 3.10 is a major release that brings a number of new features and improvements to the framework. If you are a Flutter developer, I encourage you to upgrade to Flutter 3.10 and start taking advantage of the new features.


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